Thursday, March 12, 2015

Test Marc

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Passé Compose...parce que...Imparfait

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Charlie Hebdo

Hello all,

I thought I'd send you this letter to assure you that I am fine. I assume you know what I'm referring to, but in case you haven't heard the horrendous news, I'll briefly outline it here. A satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, was attack by Islamic extremists after they published a comic showing the face of Muhammad. 12 people were killed, 10 employees and 2 police officers. I was nowhere near the attack, living at the other end of the city near the Arc de Triomphe. There is much debate over who is at fault with some people saying that the cartoonists should not have published their works as they could be seen as offensive, whilst others are saying that it's the cartoonist's right to publish what they like, and that as a country that supports Freedom of Speech, France must condemn and act to prevent such acts in the future.  I have come to the conclusion that the publishers should be able to release what they like without having to fear for their lives, and that if one is offended by someone's work, it is their responsibility to turn the other cheek or to complain in a peaceful manner. Again, I am perfectly fine if a bit shocked.

All the best,
Cian MQ